Acculturation strategies as determinants of organizational communication in foreign cultural environment


The article focuses on the description of acculturation strategies as main determinants of the presence of communication problems within the organization. It uncovers the specifics of working migrants who have been working abroad for a significantly long period of time to show vivid signs of acculturation and who were able to vividly show selected acculturation strategy. The results of the research have shown that integration is the strategy that does not cause problems in organizational communication, while marginalization is the strategy that causes communication problems. Additional details were researched as well: the use of the language and ability to perform certain tasks were included into overall analysis. It should be noted that the strategy of acculturation has almost direct impact on the presence of communication problems within the organization

Authors and Affiliations

Ivan Danyliuk, Anton Kurapov


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How To Cite

Ivan Danyliuk, Anton Kurapov (2017). Acculturation strategies as determinants of organizational communication in foreign cultural environment. Організаційна психологія. Економічна психологія, 9(2), 18-28.