Action Research - przygotowanie sądu do zmiany poprzez uczenie się - współpraca praktyków i badaczy

Journal Title: e-mentor - Year 2019, Vol 78, Issue 1


Action Research (AR) is not only the research method or strategy but also the efficient tool supporting knowledge development and the introduction of changes in the organization. The aim of using AR is to induce changes in a given area or to convince the participants to initiate such changes, in a way that the researcher and the subject expert collaborate to diagnose the problem and find the solution to it. The cooperation of researchers, practitioners, and laymen is the primary assumption while applying the AR approach. The goal of such cooperation is to collect data derived from everyday practice systematically, to analyze these that data and decide as for the future shape of that practice. The research presented in this paper has been carried out in a public organization, namely the District Court in Gdansk. It referred to the extrajudicial and pro-social activities of that Court. Such research aimed to bring the answer to the question of whether the courts as public organizations can undertake pro-social activities, and if yes – what should be the area of such actions. The research was carried out between June 2013 and March 2018, i.e., for almost five years. The research methods included: observations of the internal changes in the organization, interviews with the court management, conversations with different groups of stakeholders as well as a quantitative study of their opinions about the quality of the cooperation with that court. The analysis of the results confirms that firstly it is possible to apply the Action Research approach in public organizations, and secondly, that intervention resulting from the use of this research method is effective. It is worth to stress that the pro-social actions initiated by the research are continued despite the change in management of the court and some political changes as well. One may say that those actions became a part of the organizational routine. The results achieved through that research supplement knowledge on the possibility of carrying out the pro-social actions by the public organizations, in particular by courts. They fall within the scope of the strategic management discipline and the public administration sub-discipline.

Authors and Affiliations

Przemysław Banasik, Sylwia Morawska


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  • EP ID EP581014
  • DOI 10.15219/em78.1401
  • Views 62
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How To Cite

Przemysław Banasik, Sylwia Morawska (2019). Action Research - przygotowanie sądu do zmiany poprzez uczenie się - współpraca praktyków i badaczy. e-mentor, 78(1), 62-73.