Student Authored Video Vignettes in Chemistry

Journal Title: e-mentor - Year 2017, Vol 70, Issue 3


Video has had a profound impact on education in general, and on chemical education specifically. Many faculty members have found the ability to post video lecture material for students a valuable tool in fostering more interactive and dynamic learning in face-to-face classes (Read & Lancaster, 2012, pp. 13-16) or in improving student laboratory techniques (DeMeo, 2001, pp. 373-379). Many reviews of video lectures have been published across higher education fields (Kay, 2012, pp. 820-831; McGarr, 2009, pp. 309-321; O'Callaghan et. al., 2017, pp. 399-415). The video lecture has become the centerpiece of most flipped learning classes (DeLozier & Rhodes, 2017, pp. 141-151). There is great variety in the delivery of video lectures; in reviewing video lectures from 50 different online courses, Crook and Schofield (2017, pp. 56-64) found 16 different styles of presentation.

Authors and Affiliations

Layne A. Morsch


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  • EP ID EP328051
  • DOI 10.15219/em70.1303
  • Views 60
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How To Cite

Layne A. Morsch (2017). Student Authored Video Vignettes in Chemistry. e-mentor, 70(3), 25-32.