Age features of forming a value retention preschoolers to their own physicality


The article describes and analyzes the theoretical basis of age-value attitude formation preschoolers to their own physicality. Different thoughts are presented by both domestic and foreign scientists who were engaged in the problem of the image of «I», investigated problems of value orientations, development and upbringing of children of preschool age, their age characteristics. Proved that preschool age is a period of rapid formation of all peculiar to man psychophysiological processes, physical-value orientations. The idea that pre-school age is the foundation of the world and understanding itself, that is why the genesis of a holistic «image-I» is impossible without the formation of the physical-motor «I» (physical and mental «I»), which is often not taken into account in the process preschool physical education. According to the author, is the senior preschool period is mainly in recognizing child itself, motivations and needs in the world of human relations. It is therefore important at this stage of personality development to lay the foundations for the formation of a differentiated adequate self-esteem, a positive «I-concept». Through psychological analysis, in the form of «I», three components are distinguished: cognitive-evaluative (cognitive), emotional-sensory, motivational-volitional. It is substantiated that the problem «I» – in its broad sense – should be a priority in the study of personal changes, since the idea of – oneself, the image of «I» is the final characteristic of the work of the individual over the knowledge of himself, the attitude towards himself and his place in life at each stage of personality development. And, at the same time, it is in the image of «I» that the results of activity, activity of the individual are revealed. Thus, ignorance of the possibilities of the body leads to the narrowing of the spectrum of bodily movements that nature has given the human body, and, in the end, to blocking the emotional, sensory manifestations that negatively affect the health. It is concluded that considering the age-old peculiarities of the formation of the value attitude of the children of the senior preschool age to their own physicality enables teachers of pre-school establishments to effectively implement in the educational process the combination of functional, value and activity aspects of the development of preschool children, which is the content of physical culture, deepens the understanding of its integration, man –formational, spiritual-physical essence.

Authors and Affiliations

А. І. Чаговець


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How To Cite

А. І. Чаговець (2018). Age features of forming a value retention preschoolers to their own physicality. Науковий часопис Національного педагогічного університету імені М. П. Драгоманова. Серія 5 Педагогічні науки: реалії та перспективи, 61(), 314-318.