Актуальні питання стану і ведення мисливського господарства в Україні та можливі напрямки їх вирішення [Challenges of the hunting farms management in Ukraine and possible solutions]
Journal Title: Наукові праці Лісівничої академії наук України - Year 2016, Vol 14, Issue
Statistical bulletins classify 55 species of birds and animals of the Ukrainian fauna as game animals. The number of the hunting areas users is constantly rising. The figure has risen from 719 to 1021 since 1995 to 2014, whereas maintenance expenses have decreased, as has the number of game managers. The positive items worthy to note include an increase in the game nurseries and game breeding farms, the game being subsequently resettled in the hunting areas. In 1995 are 24 nurseries wildlife and farms, were in Ukraine now their number is 230. Kharkiv and Dnipro oblasts leading the way here. The number of the ungulates kept in the nurseries and on the farms in 2014 approached 3,000, that for the game birds was exceeding 47,000 in 2013. Accounting of the fauna requires a regulatory and methodological improvements, particularly within the context of transition of the game management to the population principles (priority is being given to the ungulates) with the corresponding approval in accordance with established procedure. Livestock density analysis of the game is, more informative in terms of assessing their dynamic change than that of the total number. In 1995-2014 the total number of the game animals has decreased. The density of particular animal groups is changing in a varied way. The ungulates’ density reached its maximum in 2014. Minimal index is being observed in 2000. Maximum density of the fur-bearing animals was observed in 2000, whereas its minimum index – in 2013. The density of the game birds has dropped by 16% during the period 1995-2005, increasing in the following five-year-period by 14%. The recent years have, none the less, seen its slight increase. Of the 25 species of the game birds whose number is presented in the Statistical Bulletin, mass-scale hunting is possible for 21 species, dominating position being occupied by the anseriformes. In spite of the protected status, the total amount of the grouse, hazel grouse, and gray duck displays a constantly decreasing tendency. The positive dynamics noted for the blackcock only. Regional differences in the dynamics of the game animals’ number are related to their natural and climatic specificity.
Authors and Affiliations
Volodymyr Bondarenko, Elvira Rizun
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