Analysis of the pharmaceutical market of medicines with the immunomodulatory activity in Ukraine
Journal Title: Соціальна фармація в охороні здоров’я - Year 2018, Vol 4, Issue 4
Aim. To conduct the analysis of the domestic pharmaceutical market of medicines with the immunomodulatory activity taking into account all their dosage forms. Materials and Methods. The analysis was conducted on the basis of the data of the State Register of Medicines of Ukraine, the electronic database of the information retrieval routine program “Morion” and price-lists of the weekly newspaper “Pharmacy” as of April 10, 2018. Logical, system-analytical, mathematical-statistical and comparative methods of analysis were used in our work. Results. The analysis of the domestic pharmaceutical market of medicines of the L03A group – “Immunomodulators” according to the ATC classification indicates that a large proportion of the group of medicines analyzed (approximately 58 %) is produced in Ukraine. The most popular of them are medicines in the form of a tincture (24 %) and tablets (22 %). Medicinal forms for parenteral application, in particular solutions and powders for injection, are about 36 % of the total assortment of the group. The average retail prices of medicines with the immunomodulatory activity of the L03A X group have been determined. Almost half of the packages sold (46 %) are herbal medicines. It is indicates that there is demand for this group despite their significant assortment. It has been also found that the range of herbal medicines is rather insignificant; therefore, this segment of the market consists of medicines of Echinacea Purpurea by 90 %. Conclusions. The results of the analysis can be used when developing the new medicines with the immunomodulatory activity to expand their range and increase the availability of pharmaceutical care to patients in Ukraine.
Authors and Affiliations
O. I. Tikhonov, V. M. Koval, O. S. Shpychak, T. G. Yarnykh, B. Т. Kudrik, T. V. Shpychak
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