Antynacjonalizm w walce o nowy sprawiedliwy naród: David Walker, Martin Delany, William Edward Burghardt Du Bois i afroamerykańskie poszukiwania amerykańskiej tożsamości narodowej
Journal Title: Gdańskie Studia Międzynarodowe - Year 2015, Vol 13, Issue 1
The following paper examines the proposals of African American intellectuals, who in response to the oppressive politics of the American state and racism among their white compatriots, attempted to define the place of African Americans in the American nation, the American state, and the process of shaping American national identity. In opposition to the political and symbolic exclusion of African Americans from the American nation, black intellectuals concluded that only a transnational perspective could help revise the predominant model of nation based on exclusion and discrimination. This new transnational perspective resulted in an alternative anti‑nationalist vision of nation that called for the American nation reformed and functioning in accordance with the tenets of transnational social justice.
Authors and Affiliations
Marta Cieślak
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