Aspects of strategic decision making in the trade unions of Latvia: Topicality and problems


Introduction. The present situation in Latvia can be characterized by a high, persistent unemployment level, economic emigration, stress at the workplace and individualization of society. The aim of the paper is to reveal the aspects of strategic decision making in the trade unions of Latvia, their topicality and problems evaluating the involvement of the Latvian trade union members in strategic decision making and the comprehension of constant union goals. Methods. The theoretical and methodological basis of the research lies in the scientific literature published in the European Union states and the United States of America. The empirical research employs qualitative research methods: semi-structured interviews and document analysis. Material and results. The strategic decision making proces was characterized in the analysis of the theoretical sources. The practice of strategic decision making in Latvian trade unions was clarified in the empirical research.The paper concludes that the practice of delegation of strategic decision making should be improved to encourage members involving in the realization of the trade union’s goals and objectives. It is advisable to increase unanimity of chairpersons and members in the trade unions in Latvia, which can be ensured by promoting the comprehension about strategic decisions using the form of a dialogue between the chairpersons of the LBAS and the chairpersons of Latvian field/ professional trade unions as well as a dialogue between the chairpersons of Latvian field/ professional trade unions and union members, strategic decision making process, goals, trade union members.

Authors and Affiliations

Antra Line


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How To Cite

Antra Line (2015). Aspects of strategic decision making in the trade unions of Latvia: Topicality and problems. Zeszyty Naukowe Małopolskiej Wyższej Szkoły Ekonomicznej w Tarnowie, 28(4), 13-24.