Białoruska prasa religijna w Niemczech Zachodnich w latach 1945–1951
Journal Title: Przegląd Środkowo-Wschodni - Year 2019, Vol 4, Issue
Belarusian religious press in West Germany 1945–1951 The article is about the Belarusian religious press (Orthodox, Catholic, Protestant) published in the three Western German occupation zones in the fi rst post-war years. At that time, the largest number of Belarusian war refugees lived in West Germany. An important element of the emigrants’ life was religious activity, which included publishing. This activity had three main causes: social, political and national. It was an almost universal response by refugees in the face of an uncertain future. These people were deprived of their homeland, found themselves in an alien cultural environment without the possibility of influencing their own fate, completely at the mercy of others. In this situation, their sorrows, worries and anxieties were expressed on paper. Political dissension between post-war Belarusian emigrants contributed to the intensification of publishing activity. It initiated a heated polemic between supporters of two opposing camps: the Council of the Belarusian Democratic Republic and the Belarusian Central Council. Publishing activities also served to preserve the national identity of emigrants and propagate national and patriotic values among them (especially among young people).
Authors and Affiliations
Marzena Grzybowska
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