Biblioteca, memória e patrimônio: um olhar sobre a biblioteca rio-grandense


This study sought to reveal the perception of the users of the RioGrandense Library about the heritage and tourist value of this institution to the city of Rio Grande / RS (Brazil). The exploratory and descriptive research involved literature review, user study and content analysis. The information was obtained through interviews containing semi -structured questions related to the topic in question. Content analysis revealed three categories: Memories and the Library uses; Relevance of the Library; Heritage. Through the study conducted was observed that: a) users recognize the library as part of the sightseeing tour of the city; b) they understand what is heritage and the importance of their recovery; c) they support the realization of actions for the preservation and conservation of the Rio-Grandense Library.

Authors and Affiliations

Luciane Silveira Amico Marques| Universidade Federal do Rio Grande – FURG , Marcia Rodrigues| Universidade Federal do Rio Grande – FURG


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How To Cite

Luciane Silveira Amico Marques, Marcia Rodrigues (2014). Biblioteca, memória e patrimônio: um olhar sobre a biblioteca rio-grandense. BIBLOS: Revista do Instituto de Ciencias Humanas & da Informacao, 28(2), 73-94.