Bilateral oral squamous papilloma in the soft palate – Report of case
Journal Title: Polski Przegląd Otorynolaryngologiczny - Year 2014, Vol 3, Issue 1
Squamous papilloma is a generally benign lesion that arises from the stratified squamous epithelium of the skin, lips, oral cavity, tongue, pharynx, larynx, esophagus, cervix, vagina or anal canal. It is a result of infection with human papillomavirus. The lesions are manifested in the form of whitish exophytic tissue growth that resembles a wart. The squamous papillomas that develop in the oral mucosa are usually painless, unless they are suffering from secondary trauma. This article reports a case of oral squamous papilloma in a female patient who presented two lesions located between the soft palate and oropharynx. Interestingly, the squamous papillomas had similar sizes and were bilateral. The lesions were totally removed by surgery and the diagnosis was confirmed by histopathological examination. The patient was followed clinically for one year and no recurrence was observed.
Authors and Affiliations
Antonio Adilson Soares de Lima, Maria Martins Tommasi, Jean Nunes dos Santos Nunes dos Santos, Cassiano Lima Chaiben, Maria Ångela Naval Machado, Iran Vieira
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