Buffalo Chest Secondary to the Asymptomatic Destroyed Lung
Journal Title: Journal of Clinical and Analytical Medicine - Year 2010, Vol 1, Issue 1
A 50-year-ol d man was admi tted to our hospi tal wi th mi ni mal shortness of breath. Chest X-ray showed l eft l ower zone i nfi l trati on and medi asti nal shi ft to the l eft si de ( Fi gure 1) . Thorax computed tomography was done and showed ri ght l ung overgrowth and l eft destroyed l ung ( Fi gure 2) . A si ngl e pl eural space i s cal l ed “buffal o chest” because the absence of anatomi cal separati on of the two hemi thoraxes resembl es that of the North Ameri can buffal o or bi son. I n our pati ent, the presence of a “buffal o chest” made the i ni ti al chest X-ray i nterpretati on di ffi cul t. A possi bl e pneumothorax shoul d be catastrophi c for thi s pati ent, so he shoul d be cl osel y moni tored regardi ng any i nvasi ve procedure or trauma.
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