Capital protection in the limited liability company  

Journal Title: Zarządzanie i Finanse - Year 2013, Vol 11, Issue 1


Popularity of a limited liability company combined with a relatively simple, so uncomplicated procedure and the establishment and operation, meant that it has become in recent years a very popular not only in Poland, a form of doing business. Therefore, it also beheld attractiveness to those, who would exploit its weaknesses for quite unfair. Recognizing this problem to the provisions of commercial law relating to the limited liability company introduced a number of safeguards intended to protect its financial stability, and thus protect the capital. It is not without significance in this context is the fact that the same has been provided for adequate protection of its creditors. Thus, each operating system has been created instruments that complement each other.  

Authors and Affiliations

Marek Białkowski


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How To Cite

Marek Białkowski (2013). Capital protection in the limited liability company  . Zarządzanie i Finanse, 11(1), 25-38.