Caregiver burden and the role of social support in the care of children with cystic fibrosis
Journal Title: Family Medicine & Primary Care Review - Year 2019, Vol 21, Issue 2
Background. The effort involved in caring for a patient suffering from cystic fibrosis lies with its parents/caregiver, becoming the cause of excessive burden. In such a situation, social support is an important strategy for coping with chronic illnesses. Objectives. The aim of the study was to assess the level of burden and social support for parents of children with CF and to establish a relationship between them. Material and methods. The study involved 88 parents of patients with cystic fibrosis. The study utilized the standardized Caregiver Burden Scale (CB ) and the Berlin Social Support Scale (BSSS ). Results. The study group experienced an average burden level, which is dependent on the level of education. The highest level of burden was found in two subscales: disappointment and general effort, and the lowest was in the emotional involvement subscale. The level of support in the studied group was high. The largest was observed in the subscale perceived support and received support, and the lowest in the subscale seeking support. Analysis of the regression of the dependent variable of the caregiver’s level of burden showed that the level of burden determines the need for support. It has been observed that as the level of the caregiver’s burden increases, the need for support also increases. In turn, the smaller the caregiver’s burden, the lower the need for support currently received. Conclusions. The caregiver burden on the parent of a children suffering from CF and the received social support are important factors influencing each other in the care of a chronically ill child. This means that the more support received, the lower the sense of burden the caregiver experiences
Authors and Affiliations
Grażyna Dębska, Irena Milaniak, Dorota Domańska, Lucyna Tomaszek
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