Colour therapy – the relationship between the quality of life (QOL) and colour selection according to the Lüscher test
Journal Title: Complementary & Alternative Medicine in Science - Year 2013, Vol 1, Issue 2
Background. Colour therapy is used not only in prophylaxis and complementing the basic treatment of the patient but also as an independent therapeutic method. Despite intensive development of this method theoretical foundations of the practice are lacking. The selection of colours used in the treatment is based on general indications and not on individual needs necessary for application of a targeted therapy. The aim of the study was to check a possible relationship between quality of life (QOL) estimated with SF-36 questionnaire and the results of the colour selection according to the Lüscher test. Material and methods. The study was conducted on two groups of subjects: one consisting of 40 healthy persons aged 20 to 30 (the young group) and the other consisting of 40 healthy people aged 50 to 65 (the elderly group). The study involved the short Lüscher colour test and SF–36 questionnaire for the estimation of the QOL. Depending on the sequence order resulting from the application of the Lüscher colour test, individuals in both groups were arranged into 8 subgroups which then were analyzed for QOL involving the SF–36 questionnaire. Results. In both groups relationships between QOL and the choice of colours for some aspects of life quality were observed. Conclusions. Demonstrated relationship shows that for patients treated with colour therapy an individual, targeted therapeutic treatment should be arranged, based on the fundamental goal of therapy related to personal development and the improvement of the patient's QOL.
Authors and Affiliations
Ewa Osiak, Edyta Szczuka, Wiesław Tomaszewski
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