Comic and tragic of love in the myth of Aristophanes about the androgyny
Journal Title: Мultiversum. Philosophical almanac - Year 2016, Vol 0, Issue 5
The paper analyzes in detail the myth of Aristophanes about androgyny, which is reflected in Plato’s «Symposium». It is noted that the comical nature of love lies in the fact that the search for the second half – each unique, filled with paradox, ambiguity, inconsistency, as well as the fact that the determination of the object of love is accompanied by a joyful and sad moments. The tragedy of love in this myth [Symp.192d-e] determined by the uniqueness of the object of love and a meeting with him, of course the discourse of love; the role and importance of separation and fidelity in love. The words of Aristophanes about unique object of love, a sense of miracle in the middle of a loving heart inspire understanding of how loving has desire is to be faithful to each other.
Authors and Affiliations
Vitaliy Turenko
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