Complications of percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG)


Percutaneous Endoscopic Castrostomy is a method widely used for nutritional treatment and gastric decompression. This method is safe. Complications related to it are not danger for patients' life. The aim of this study was analysis of indications and complications of PEC per-formed in our center. We observed 32 complications among 135 gastrostomies introduced mainly in patients with diseases of central nervous system. The gastrostomy site infection is the most common complication (56.25%). Local disinfecting treatment and systemic antibiotic use is the method of treatment of PEC site infections.

Authors and Affiliations

Małgorzata Łyszkowska, Katarzyna Popińska, Janusz Książyk, Danuta Celińska-Cedro


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Małgorzata Łyszkowska, Katarzyna Popińska, Janusz Książyk, Danuta Celińska-Cedro (2006). Complications of percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG). Pediatria Współczesna. Gastroenterologia, Hepatologia i Żywienie Dziecka, 8(3), 159-162.