De ce dilema unora – perioada școlarizării obligatorii – trebuia neapărat să fie soluționată de către curtea constituțională?
Journal Title: Revista Națională de Drept - Year 2017, Vol 11, Issue 205
In this article, the undersigned points out that, when adopting the draft Education Code of the Republic of Moldova, he proposed to the legislator the correct and judicious legal regulation of the compulsory general education term. The author insisted with the state authorities that they fully observe the provisions of art.35 par. (1) and (7) of the Constitution. It is regrettable that our judicious proposals in 2014 have been disregarded by the authorities, and over the years we have to note that they are stated in the Constitutional Court’s considerations. Today, we reiterate our 2014 proposals for the enforcement of the Constitutional Court’s Address PCC-01 / 162a-7 of February 16, 2017, thus curtailing the application of unconstitutional provisions.
Unele considerații privind obiectul juridic al infracțiunilor de neglijență în serviciu (art. 329 Cod penal)
This article establishes, inter alia, that the public sphere (within the meaning of the title of Chapter XV of the special part of the Penal Code of the Republic of Moldova) includes the following parties: 1) all the pub...
Administrarea probelor prin interceptarea de comunicări electronice în probatoriul penal
Whether it’s performed by a cell phone or by any other device, the electronic communication is of utmost importance for the criminal justice system. The conversations made by these specific technical means bear various k...
Cu privire la posibila neconstituționalitate a unor amendamente recente operate în Codul penal și în Codul contravențional. Partea I
In this article it is argued that several recently made amendments to the Penal Code and the Contravention Code by means of Law no.193/2016, would contravene the provision of par.(2) art.23 of the Constitution of the Rep...
Cazul fortuit în legea penală a republicii moldova și a româniei: unele conceptualizări fundamentale
This article is dedicated to a conceptualization of the accident in the Substantive Criminal Law of the Republic of Moldova and Romania. In the realm of this research the author has performed a detailed analysis of the m...
Sugestii și observații pe marginea unor proiecte de hotărâri ale plenului curţii supreme de justiţie
The object of this investigation is the four draft decisions issued to amend and complete the Supreme Court of Justice’s Plenary Decision no.20 from 08.07.1999, the Supreme Court of Justice’s Plenary Decision no.23 from...