Unele considerații privind obiectul juridic al infracțiunilor de neglijență în serviciu (art. 329 Cod penal)
Journal Title: Revista Națională de Drept - Year 2017, Vol 7, Issue 201
This article establishes, inter alia, that the public sphere (within the meaning of the title of Chapter XV of the special part of the Penal Code of the Republic of Moldova) includes the following parties: 1) all the public entities listed in art. 3 of the Law No. 82 from 25.05.2017 on integrity, with the exception of joint-stock companies in which the State holds the majority shareholding; 2) the entities within which work the following parties: persons authorized or commissioned by the State to provide public services or public interest activities on its behalf; foreign public figures and international officials. It is argued why the words „public interests or” mentioned at par. (1) art. 329 PC RM should be considered contrary to the provisions of par. (3) art. 1, art. 22 and art. 23 of the Constitution. It is concluded that the special juridical object of the offences under art. 329 PC RM is in some cases a simple one, and in other cases complex. Last but not least, this article establishes the content of the special juridical object for each of the offences provided by art. 329 PC RM.
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