Dental implants in patients with autoimmune mucocutaneous diseases
SUMMARY: Since the survival of a dental implant supported restoration depends on the condition of the bone and soft tissues in the area, autoimmune mucocutaneous diseases, predominantly oral lichen planus , epidermolysis bullosa, scleroderma, pemphigus vulgaris and Sjogren's syndrome, and their relationship with the prognosis of implants is of particular interest. Although there are no published clarified guidelines on the placement of dental implants in patients with oral lichen planus to date, it appears that the success rate of implants in patients with oral lichen planus is similar to that in healthy subjects. Epidermolysis bullosa is a mucocutaneous disease and does not appear to affect the bone. Thus, implant placement in these patients is a realistic solution. On the other hand, dental implant supported prosthetic restorations are not well documented in patients with systemic sclerosis and in patients with pemphigus vulgaris, and the background knowledge is not sufficient to suggest a standardized approach to the issue. Finally, from the existing bibliographic data it seems that surgical implant placement is not contraindicated in patients with Sjogren's syndrome but, on the contrary, rehabilitation of these patients with implant retained restorations provides solutions and contributes to the comfort and improvement of their quality of life.
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