Development of Professional Mobility as Component of Professional Competence in Postgraduate Education System
Journal Title: International Journal of Education and Science - Year 2019, Vol 2, Issue 2
Background: Fast-moving economic and information development of the modern society, changes in content of specialists’ professional activity and a quick renewal of current knowledge, stipulate the necessity to develop specialists' professional mobility for mastering new skills and habits, the ability to get oriented in the professional and social environment. This is the system of postgraduate education that gives the possibility to train a professionally mobile specialist who is able to master new skills and habits as well as to improve the current ones, orientate themselves strategically in the professional and social environment in conditions of new professions, and to foster their development. So, professional mobility should be considered as a component of professional competence that is developed in the system of postgraduate education. Results: A set of approaches to studying professional mobility has been already developed in the pedagogical research. Thus, summarising the findings, the following conclusion can be made. Professional mobility is an integrative quality of a personality, necessary to realise professional activity that provides self-determination, self-realisation in life and work on the grounds of the formed key competences and basic professional (key) qualifications as well as a personality’s urge to change not only themselves but also their professional field and life environment. Grounding on the competence approach in studying professional mobility, scientists have reached a conclusion that formation of a specialist’s professional mobility is possible through competences development. Professional competence is a total of knowledge, skills, habits, ways of activity, professionally important psychological qualities, which are necessary for a specialist to realise their efficient professional activity. Professional competence is also a mark and the main criterion of professional readiness and ability to accomplish one's own professional duties in conditions of competition and demands of the modern society. In its turn, improvement of professional competence through development of professional mobility gives the possibility to realise successfully various types of professional activity, develop knowledge and practical skills. Development of a pedagogue’s professional mobility is implied as a process of acquiring new competences, knowledge, skills, habits and improving the current ones, which they use or will use in their professional activity. Namely postgraduate education is directed at improving education and a person’s professional training by extending, enlarging and renewing their professional knowledge, skills and habits or getting another profession or speciality on the basis of the already acquired educational level and practical experience. The usage of the competence approach in postgraduate education presupposes applying such teaching technologies in which all pedagogical processes are aimed at differential development and self-development of a personality. In the modern conditions, professional mobility presupposes a specialist’s mastering of competences which provide flexibility, fast orientation in profession, competitiveness at the labour market, readiness to improve qualification, retraining and self-education. Development of professional mobility in the postgraduate education system is oriented not only at extending, enlarging and renewing professional knowledge, skills and habits but also at development of pedagogical position and professionally important qualities of specialists. Conclusions: Professional competence is an important quality of a specialist. Competences are the main bases of a specialist’s professional mobility formation. Professional mobility as a component of professional competence is an integral characteristic feature of a personality that combines successful adaptation to the professional environment, a personality’s formed internal need for changes, readiness for self-improvement, self-development and self-realisation that provides stability of a specialist’s development and active professional position. The necessity of professional development mobility as a component of professional competence in the postgraduate education system is stipulated by the changes which occur in our country due to a political situation and renewal of the education content.
Authors and Affiliations
Olga Mykolaivna Ptakhina
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