Development of touristic offer in MSP sector as a result of European Union support in financing innovation.
Journal Title: Zarządzanie i Finanse - Year 2012, Vol 10, Issue 2
Social changes follow on constant way. Trends – either economical or connected with life style – have an impact on tourism since it is an element of social life. It is important for tourism sector to know these changes early enough. New elements in touristic offer are connected with need of creating and implementation innovations, which more often are basic condition of development. Knowledge, experience and managers skills how to use new products in management process, become main carrier of touristic enterprises success. The implementation of innovations based on analysis of enterprises environment is often determined by need of gaining supplementary financial funds from foreign sources. Those issues are characterized in the article and based on case of touristic enterprise, which in its strategy includes modern customers' preferences and has developed towards modernization, which helped to develop Wellnes&SPA products. Effects are subjected to evaluation in Balanced Score Card.
Authors and Affiliations
Maria Lechicka-Kostuch, Beata Wierzbicka
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