До питання щодо інституціоналізації професії тьютора в українському освітньому просторі


The modern information society is characterized by such signs as the circulation of large volumes of various information kinds (text, graphics, video) from various sources; the existence of poorly structured, contradictory, rapidly changing information. Nowadays, it is difficult for a person to navigate through large streams of information for learning it. Education, which should help a person in this learning, remains conservative and upgrades slowly. Under such conditions, there is a need for a fundamentally new position in vocational education, a position of a tutor. A tutor is understood as a teacher in the process of the individualization principle makes an individual educational program, taking into account interests and aptitudes of the tutor, provides support in its mastering. Introduction of the profilisation of schools and alternative subjects for upper grades will update the tutor position as a position in the regular school manning table. An analysis of the profession classifiers in Great Britain, Poland, the USA, Canada and Russia testifies the presence of the tutor profession. In the National Classifier of Ukraine "Classifier of professions DK 003: 2010" the tutor profession is absent. The article outlines the difference between a tutor and a class teacher, a subject teacher, a social teacher, a school psychologist, an additional education, an assistant and an assistant teacher. The expediency of introduction of the tutor profession into the list of professions in the National Classifier of Ukraine is substantiated. Functional duties of a tutor in the field of secondary education, a tutor in the sphere of higher education and a tutor in the field of additional educational services are provided. Knowledge that a tutor should have for the execution of the following functions is outlined.

Authors and Affiliations

Катерина Осадча


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  • EP ID EP451586
  • DOI 10.32919/uesit.2018.01.06
  • Views 110
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How To Cite

Катерина Осадча (2018). До питання щодо інституціоналізації професії тьютора в українському освітньому просторі. Ukrainian Journal of Educational Studies and Information Technology, 6(1), 77-88. https://europub.co.uk./articles/-A-451586