Дві іпостасі західнослов’янського дієслівного іменника (на матеріалі чеської мови
Journal Title: Вісник Університету імені Альфреда Нобеля. Серія "Філологічні науки" - Year 2018, Vol 1, Issue 15
The article is devoted to the issue of the lexicogrammatical heterogeneity of the Czech forms such as zakrývání – zakrytí of the West Slavic verbal noun in the light of the problem of retaining the verb category of aspect. It is noted that action nouns ending in -ní/-tí, which are hybrid formations of a verb-noun type, function in the Czech language like Slavic adjectival participles in two hypostases – verbal and nounal, which is predetermined by the peculiarities of their lexical semantics as well as morphological and syntactic properties. It has been established that Czech verbal nouns of the nounal hypostasis are objectively unable to express the verb semantics of the perfective versus imperfective aspect because of their use in the plural form, modification of the verb semantics, which still remains actional in a broad sense, and failure to be transformed into constructs with a verb form within a noun phrase. Such formations, as a rule, are either terms or words to designate various action-based realities: events, occurrences, and incidents; ways of implementing actions; states upon completing actions; socially significant events, rituals, acts, and procedures. Therefore, emphasis is placed on the need to exclude such an obviously ‘non-aspective’ variety of verbal nouns from research on the ability of these forms to retain the category of aspect. The author of the article suggests criteria to distinguish between the two identified hypostases and provides a list of contexts to specify the nounal hypostasis of the substantives. The study involves analysis based on the data of the synchronic corpus SYN of the Czech language, which has revealed that verbal nouns ending in -ní/-tí appear in the nounal hypostasis when they are used as follows: in the function of the subject or object with verbs denoting various phases of an action; within phrasal verb-noun predicates; in combinations with demonstrative, interrogative, indefinite or negative pronouns; in terminological word combinations and their definitions; in titles and headings. Finally, the author has substantiated the foreseeable prospects for future research.
Authors and Affiliations
А. О. Скоплєв
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