Сложные глаголы в произведении «Лейли и Меджнун» Мухаммеда Физули
Journal Title: Вісник Університету імені Альфреда Нобеля. Серія "Філологічні науки" - Year 2017, Vol 1, Issue 13
Using simple, derivative and compound words in «Leyli and Majnun» work Fuzuli created a significant poetical influence in the work. Fuzuli was the second poet after Nasimi who enriched the Azerbaijani literary vocabulary with the words of the category of verbs. Indeed, the written branch of the Azerbaijani literary language which started with Nasimi, rose to a high level by Fuzuli. The verbes used in Fuzuli’s works are observed as a real dignity of the language and the existance of its substance.Besides, the verbs in «Leyli and Majnun» work also reflect the endless resources, promptness of the style of the system of lexical-semantic and grammar. Researching the compound words, we see that the compound verbs which were created from the combination of the Azerbaijani verbs. Those compound verbs consist of two contents; the first component consists of words of Persian words, the second one consists of Azerbaijani auxiliary verbs.
Authors and Affiliations
А. Мамедова
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