Формування наукової терміносистеми як результат стихійного нагромадження термінного матеріалу (на матеріалі української електроенергетичної термінології
Journal Title: Вісник Університету імені Альфреда Нобеля. Серія "Філологічні науки" - Year 2018, Vol 1, Issue 15
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the organic accumulation stage of UETS terminological material and to lay the foundation for new terminology. In order to achieve this method, we researched and outlined timelines for this stage of terminological creation, analysed the source and course of development in detail, as well as evaluated the realisation of an electric power engineering terminological system within the indicated time period. We have found that the first stage of UETS terminological creation occurred from the 1850s to the 1910s. Throughout this period, an organic accumulation of terminological material ensued, laying the academic foundations of the UETS terminological system. Looking at the creation stage of UETS terminology, we may conclude that as a significant component of the national language, UETS jargon was developed in direct communion with the formation of electric power engineering as a form of study. It holds a distinct linguistic formational imprint, a refinement and unification of corresponding systems of a mutual emergence. Scientific and technological progress in Ukraine at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries at the forefront of a national renaissance caused an urgent need for the creation of Ukrainian terminology. The first attempts of UETS terminological development took place during this period, when at the end of the 19th century, electricity became available on Ukrainian land. The formation of professional terminology was facilitated by the Ukrainian-language studies, articles, technical electric textbooks, and also the first translated and original works in the field of natural sciences written in Ukrainian. On one hand, this period is characterised by the systematic approach of scientists on the formation of terminology and the attempts to streamline the general terminological system. On the other, specialized UETS educational establishments in Ukraine experienced a decline. So, UETS terms were sporadically used for work in physics and chemistry during this time.
Authors and Affiliations
Л. В. Харчук
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