Роман Гийома Мюссо «Ты будешь там?»: поэтика массового.
Journal Title: Вісник Університету імені Альфреда Нобеля. Серія "Філологічні науки" - Year 2018, Vol 2, Issue 16
The structure of the novel «Seras tu la?» is defined by the archetypes of eternal love and Salvation, the Savior. The intrigue evolves on the basis of the motif of duality, the ability of changing the past, to defeat the Fate. Playing with time factor, using the epigraphs, existential, eternal motifs as well as simplified character models sublimate readers’ expectations, form the atmosphere of suspense, immerse the mass reader in the world of ideal, fairy tale ideas. Intertextual allusions (epigraphs) deepen the problem-artistic potential of the novel, the effect of the reality of fantastic collisions. The phenomenon of Musso is highly representative. The novel «Seras-tu là?» belongs to one of the present-day genres not only in native fantastic fiction (time travel literature), but also in mass literature re - lated to the traditions of fantasy, adventure novel, attempts of artistic embodiment of alternative histo - ry. The novel shows genre-associative links with traditions that connect different literary works such as «A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court» (1884) by М. Twain or «Making History» (1996) by S. Fry. An appeal to the novel by Musso allows one to comprehend some features of the refraction of the poetics of the mass in the literary work, combining diverse traditions of the postmodernist, as well as realistic writ - ing in its genre conglomerate. The author builds the fantastic picture of heroes’ lives diligently including it into the paradigm of vitality, and combines existential, psychological issues with the adventure genre. In an interview in 2005 Musso emphasized that the supernatural in his novels is not associated with esotericism, but with the desire to re-express the relationship between people and the feelings they have using the technique of parable (parabole) – paroemia that contains not only direct meaning but also figurative one. In the novel «Seras-tu là?» the writer creates a hero-counterpart and places him into the model of ambivalence of the intellect not due to the pathology but similarly to the author of «La misteriosa fiam - ma della regina Loana» Eco or unlike P. Modiano, on the basis of a differently modeled psychological mo - tive of meeting of the hero with himself. Identification and awareness of «identity» occurs gradually and at the same time unexpectedly. The novel «Seras-tu là?» is a rationally or even rationalistically built narration which plot unity is carefully thought out, where each element or seemingly random detail reveals its prog - nostic or retrospective function in a collision with a counterpart at the distance of thirty years. At the same time the process of recognition constantly creates impressive effects. The mass in novel «Seras-tu là?» and «Sauve-moi» is manifested in the fact that their heroes are extremely positive: they are able to work dedicatedly, love faithfully and endlessly, overcome their fate once in a while showing certain weaknesses. Corresponding Corresponding concept of heroes and love, emotional and psycho concept of heroes and love, emoti onal and psycho-- logical text and subtext form the poetics of these literary works as women’s novels, addressed to modern Madames Bovary, admirers of book utopias, ideal happiness, which they win time and again along with the heroes of novels. If it were not for the mysterious complex of duality, movement in time, and detective intrigue, the novels would have drowned in sentimental melodrama «However», this does not occur, because happiness remains in question all the time, interspersed with misfortunes, its conquest requires heroic efforts from the characters. Musso’s novels reveal the manifestation of multiple mechanisms of sociocultural and psychological sublimation. A mass reader, tired of the hardships of life, the dramatic nature of unsolved psychological conflicts, pathological and various horrors that saturate modern popular culture, craves a happy ending, fascinating intrigue, the possibility of at least a novel to replay fate, to win over time and death. These are Musso’s novels where he receives a reward for all the misfortunes he and his heroes have experienced, their own unfulfilled dreams
Authors and Affiliations
Н. А. Литвиненко
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