Концепт как базовое понятие линвгокультурологии
Journal Title: Вісник Університету імені Альфреда Нобеля. Серія "Філологічні науки" - Year 2017, Vol 1, Issue 13
Focusing on complex language, mind and culture study became very characteristic of linguistic investigations of the 20th century. This exact period was a background to the development of the science – reflecting these concepts correlation – linguacultural studies with the main tasks to investigate phenomena at the intersection of linguistics and culture. The key culture concepts are culturally conditioned basic units of the world view, possessing existential significance both for a linguistic persona and for a whole linguacultural community. The key culture concepts comprise such abstract notions as conscience, destiny, will, fate, sin, law, freedom, the intellectuals, motherland, etc. There are following invariant features of the concept: – minimal unit of the human experience in his/her ideal vision, verbalized with a help of a word and possessing field structure; – fundamental units of knowledge acquisition, processing and transfer; – concept has moving boundary and specific functions; – concept is social, its associative field determines its pragmatics; – it is a key culture unit. Nowadays there are several concept typologies in linguacultural studies: – according to their standardization (individual, group and nationwide); – according to the content (conceptualization, patterns and frames); – according to language expression (lexemes, phraseological combinations, free combinations, syntactic constructions, texts). Thus, having analyzed fundamental researches in the linguacultural studies, we came to conclusion that the concept is a basic notion for this science, original mental unit, with the help of which cultural heritage in the mind of nation is studied. Analyzing of concepts of a certain ethnic group makes it possible to better understand its culture and mentality peculiarities. Conducting such investigations especially in the framework of linguacultural studies, to our opinion, will bring the most interesting and significant results.
Authors and Affiliations
Г. И. Капнина
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