Образ Максима Максимыча в романе М.Ю. Лермонтова «Герой нашего времени»
Journal Title: Вісник Університету імені Альфреда Нобеля. Серія "Філологічні науки" - Year 2016, Vol 2, Issue 12
The history of the novel of M. Lermontov “The Hero of our time” does not have a strong documentation. Diary entries or epistolary associated with the time of conceiving, conceptualizing and writing of the text, has not survived. The lack of evidence leaves place for the birth of hypotheses and building of retrospectives. However, the text itself allows us to discern the features of the intention of the writer. It suggests the transformation of the novel structure and, as a consequence, explicates features of the functional roles of the main and other characters. The article discusses the image of Maxim Maximych, the “dummy” narrator of the first novel of M. Lermontov’s “The Hero of our time”, main narrator from the Chapter “Bela”. The article shows that the image of “experienced” captain allows the writer to objectify the transmission and reproduction of novel events. The writer presents them in a new — realistic — the key. He pulls away from “marlynizirovannyi” (A. Pushkin) romanticism and in unbiased and unemotional context draws the image of “high hero” of the beginning of the century. However, as shown in the article, in the course of the subsequent creation stories (chapters of the novel) Lermontov’s plan changed, modified. The image of Pechorin, “one of the heroes of the century” (the original name of the novel), was gradually transformed. In the end, the novel was incarnate hero of another time, not the hero of the Decembrism era, but her “miserable child”, the hero of the present time.
Authors and Affiliations
О. В. Богданова
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