Вплив соціальних категорій на характер мовлення та мовну поведінку осіб
Journal Title: Вісник Університету імені Альфреда Нобеля. Серія "Філологічні науки" - Year 2016, Vol 2, Issue 12
The subject of numerous investigations is the impact of the social categories on the speech of citizens in different areas. The scientists in their current researches have marked the following criteria: gender, age, ethnic background and social status of the individuals. Our studies of the nature of speech and impact of gender on the Pittsburgh citizens speech have shown than the men speech of some interest because of peculiarities and variation from the Standard English. There have been given some examples of the lexical units where monophtongization takes place. Concerning the age peculiarities of the Pittsburgh Speech it is necessary to notice that the greatest impact on speech is observed in the language use of the third aged citizens. The fact that the major part of such citizens are the descendants of the immigrants settled in Pittsburgh and its surroundings should be underlined. The vocabulary related to food and beverages is the best example of the interdependence between the language and age. The next issue is that the Pittsburgh Speech depends on the ethnic background of the speakers. It is necessary to notice that Pittsburgh is the unique place in the light of its ethnic differentiation because the contingent living there is variable: Irish, Scotts, immigrants from the Europe. There are also the representatives of African American origin. The impact of the ethnic criteria on the Pittsburgh Speech has been observed in phonetics, phonology, lexicology and grammar. It has been shown the impact on the language portrait of its area in the light of the social status. The common characteristics is monophtongization of [aw], since it is the feature of the working class’ speech. Thus we can confirm that the social class affiliation has its influence on the phonetic peculiarities of the Pittsburgh Speech. The given article has shown the inhomogeneity of the Pittsburgh Speech and its dependence on different social categories.
Authors and Affiliations
К. В. Вуколова
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