Образ українського правителя очима зарубіжних письменників (на матеріалі роману «Мазепа, гетьман України» Ірен Стецик)
Journal Title: Вісник Університету імені Альфреда Нобеля. Серія "Філологічні науки" - Year 2016, Vol 2, Issue 12
The article is devoted to image interpretation of Ivan Mazepa by foreign writers. It was conducted a detailed analysis of the author’s interpretation of a historical figure in the Irene Stetsyk’s novel “Mazeppa, hetman of Ukraine”. Reception of the Ivan Mazepa’s image remained virtually meaningless in literary criticism for a long time. The writing, which was released French version in Paris in 1981, was marked by the rapid flight of the author’s imagination. The novel is interesting from two points of view – first, a Belgian writer – the only woman who appealed to Mazepa, secondly, is the original concept of creating an image. The narration carried out in the first person – Motria Kochubey, all events are shown through the prism of perception chronologically in reverse order. Secondly, the author realized the logic of complex behavior of Ivan Mazepa, who had, on the one hand, for the time placate Peter I, dutifully fulfill his will, send Cossack troops in heavy fortification work, and on the other – to seek ways to break military alliance with tsarist government that more utyskuvav Ukrainian people, limiting his freedom. Was found that the author departed from the established tradition in Western literature depict Ivan Mazepa as a romantic hero, captured mostly their love story, and shows him as a statesman committed to the structure of a strong sovereign state. It is concluded that Irene Stetsyk portrays Ivan Mazepa as only one of the Hetman, who proved that Ukraine has a decent governor, which is on the same level with other government officials, and even some superior knowledge as well as spiritually.
Authors and Affiliations
Ю. А. Нехайчук
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