Человек и мир в ракурсе В. Шаламова: творчество писателя как текст


Changes in V. Shalamov’s views about a man and the world under life circumstances have been investigated through the poetics of his works as a single text according to the grounded topicality of the problem – man and world in V. Shalamov’s perspective. At the same time art reality modelled by the author has been characterized. Analyzing the texts we have taken into consideration the tasks the writer set while creating the autobiographical novel “Chetviortaya Vologda” (“The Fourth Vologda”). It was found that the most subjective layer of the text, based on the “personal experience” of the writer, contains the unique knowledge, which human soul absorbs and processes under the influence of global historical processes, specific – particularly tragic – different circumstances and by chance. It has been proved that V. Shalamov is to be considered not only in the wide context of national and European prison prose and non-fiction books about the people life in occupation, but also in the context of European philosophical thought. Multi-aspect problem of a man and the world, being one of the main problems of philosophy and literature of the 20th century, is still topical. At the same time it has become much more important in the literary studies of the 21st century. Particularly, scholars pay their close attention to the question of individual author’s image of the world, its realization in his art model of real life and how the author reveals the human nature, its essence in it.

Authors and Affiliations

Л. К. Оляндэр


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  • EP ID EP497691
  • DOI 10.32342/2523-4463-2016-0-11-115-127
  • Views 132
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How To Cite

Л. К. Оляндэр (2016). Человек и мир в ракурсе В. Шаламова: творчество писателя как текст. Вісник Університету імені Альфреда Нобеля. Серія "Філологічні науки", 1(11), 115-127. https://europub.co.uk./articles/-A-497691