Фразеотвірний потенціал лексико-семантичних варіантів прикметника нім. heiß
Journal Title: Вісник Університету імені Альфреда Нобеля. Серія "Філологічні науки" - Year 2018, Vol 1, Issue 15
The article is devoted to the peculiarities of actualization of the system of lexical meanings of the polysemantic adjective Germ. heiß at the phraseological level. In modern phraseology the problem of interrelationships between the lexico-semantic and lexico-phraseological levels of the language system is currently important. The specificity of functioning of polysemous adjective with thermal meaning Germ. heiß in phraseological units is analysed within the framework of research of the general problem of interrelationships between the lexico-semantic and lexico-phraseological levels of the language system. The author finds general trends of sense development of this adjective within the structure of idiomatic set phrases sharing the common key lexical component Germ. heiß. The analysis shows that lexical meanings of the polysemantic adjective Germ. heiß at the phraseological level are actualized unevenly and selectively. In the structure of nominative and predicative idiomatic phraseological units and comparative phrases the key adjective Germ. heiß implements almost exclusively its original “thermal” semanteme as a formative one, but its lexical semantemes used in the formation of idioms rarely coincide with its phraseo-derived meanings. Individual semantemes of adjective Germ. heiß differ with respect to the number of phrasemes they occur in, besides there are many phraseo-derived meanings that don’t have the corresponding lexico-semantic variants of adjective Germ. heiß, though some of them have synonymic lexical meanings. To continue the research of semantic relations between lexical and phraseological levels of the language we should involve to our analysis other parts of speech. This aspect, together with the use of information from other languages is necessary for our better understanding of the role of high temperature characteristics, objects and processes in linguistic world image.
Authors and Affiliations
Я. В. Бечко
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