Становлення української комп’ютерної термінології: лексикографічний аспект.


The relevance of the study stems from the fact that the lexicographic legacy in the field of Ukrainian computer terminology has not yet been the object of a specific terminological research. This survey is aimed to trace the grounds for the emergence of modern Ukrainian computer terminology in the complex extralingual conditions of the 20th century. The aim is to solve the following tasks: 1) to analyse the lexicographic legacy of the beginning of the 20th century; 2) to carry out a comparative analysis of the main Ukrainian computer dictionaries published both in Ukraine and diaspora in the second half of the 20th century; 3) to identify the lexical-thematic groups of terminological units fixed in the indicated publications. Despite the fact that the emergence of information technologies in Ukraine dates back to the 1914, the formation of terminological vocabulary of the computer branch has been rather difficult and ambiguous. Ukrainian terminological dictionaries of the 20-s – 30-s of the 20th century are significant grounds for the formation and development of scientific and technical vocabulary, in particular, the vocational vocabulary of the computer branch; they incorporated the methodology and principles of terminological dictionaries that are still being used today; besides, the models and samples of Ukrainian vocabulary terms that are relevant and in demand at the present stage of the formation and development of the terminological system have been taken from these dictionaries. It should be noted that due to the policy of Russification in the former USSR, Ukrainian computer terminology practically was not developing. The specialists in this realm used exclusively Russian, since it was the state language, though euphemistically called “the language of international communication”, i.e. lingua franca. In our opinion, a comparative analysis of the lexicographical works “Encyclopaedia of Cybernetics” (Kyiv, 1973) and “Ukrainian-English Dictionary of Computer Terms” (Edmonton, 1982) seems to be quite interesting. This is the Soviet period, the Cold War, and the confrontation. Was the diasporic edition influenced by the Soviet one? The compilers of the Edmonton dictionary, undoubtedly, took into account the terminological sys- took into account the terminological sys- into account the terminological sys- the terminological sys- terminological system of the Soviet “Encyclopaedia of Cybernetics”, but given the later time of the publication and their own approaches, they were not limited to it. Conclusions. The dictionaries of mathematical, physical, technical terminology published during the period of Ukrainization (20-s of the 20th century) were the forerunners of lexicographic works devoted to the actual computer terminology. “The Encyclopaedia of Cybernetics” (Kyiv, 1973) is an evidence of the difficult conditions for the development of the Ukrainian scientific language during the Soviet era. The diasporic dictionaries of computer terminology were based on the first Ukrainian-language encyclopaedia published in the Ukrainian SSR. The main areas of further research of lexicographic heritage in the field of computer terminology are as follows: 1) lexical-semantic characteristic of terminological units of various publications; 2) the identification of productive word-building models; 3) structural and morphological analysis of computer terms in those publications.

Authors and Affiliations

І. Б. Ментинська, Г. В. Наконечна


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  • EP ID EP492965
  • DOI 10.32342/2523-4463-2018-2-16-24
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How To Cite

І. Б. Ментинська, Г. В. Наконечна (2018). Становлення української комп’ютерної термінології: лексикографічний аспект.. Вісник Університету імені Альфреда Нобеля. Серія "Філологічні науки", 2(16), 173-178. https://europub.co.uk./articles/-A-492965