Психоаналітична інтерпретація переживань вільної духом кріпачки в оповіданні Марка Вовчка «Ледащиця»
Journal Title: Вісник Університету імені Альфреда Нобеля. Серія "Філологічні науки" - Year 2016, Vol 1, Issue 11
Over the decades legacy of Ukrainian writer of Russian origin Marko Vovchok sparks interest of foreign and national scientists who noticeably deepen and increase horizon of knowledge about the writer from the modern positions and on the basis of new methods and techniques. The contemporary literary studies are characterized by heightened attention to problems of psychological and psychoanalytical interpretation of literary text with toolwear which allows to open up the certain phenomena and processes in literary works of different epochs, types and genres more deeply. So, conceptualization of essence and experience level of psychological and psychoanalytical vision and author’s interpretation of Ukrainian peasants’ life using new approaches and techniques is especially actionable. The author of the article offers her own version of psychoanalytical interpretation as psychological and psychoanalytical studying of characters’ and narrators’ pchyche particular domain, meaning the work psychologism in general, and author’s psychological and psychoanalytical vision of peson in a society as well. In the research the author highlights conscious and subconscious sources, conditions and motives of deep-seated feelings of a free-soul neif, determines the consequences of these feelings. From the very beginning of the story Marko Vovchok gives a grounding (sources, conditions, motives) which further will motivate the girl’s addiction to alcohol and strong will of free life. In the course of the story the writer gradually, in details and logically, motivating free-soul neif’s psyche each domain, proficiently and realistically mirrors the complex process of her spiritual, physical and especially psychological degradation. The main cause of such degeneration of a person according to M. Vovchok is not only the long-standing system of serfdom but the very enslaved personality – his/her self-assurance and gullibility, emotional and sensuous instability, imaginary selfsustainability and at the same time flaccid descending to abnormal alcoholism. Thus, the main character of «Ledashchytsia» is one of the only bonds of that time who consciously devote all their life to fight for freedom.
Authors and Affiliations
С. К. Ревуцька
Метонімічна концептуалізація емоційних вражень кінокритика (на матеріалі британських кінорецензій)
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