Поэтика дома в усадебном тексте Э. Бронте (на материале романа «Грозовой Перевал»)
Journal Title: Вісник Університету імені Альфреда Нобеля. Серія "Філологічні науки" - Year 2016, Vol 1, Issue 11
In spite of the sufficient study of E. Bronte`s “Wuthering Heights” genre ambiguity (romantic, gothic, socio-psychological, socio-domestic, chimeric-domestic novel), in modern literary criticism it has not been paid attention to manor text and relatedness to the so-called “manor” novels. A key way in this work is the image of the house and a number of related associations: the estate timespace, the theme of memory and memories, the theme of family and kinship relations. The purpose of this article is to consider the features of the home poetics in the “manor” novel by E. Bronte “Wuthering Heights”, the specifics of its paradigm, the confrontation between good and evil, the myth of lost and found paradise in the context of the writer’s “manor” novel.The novel presents the life of the two manors in the north of England. The first one – Thrushcross Grange – is endowed with all the typical signs of “noble nest”: big light house, luxurious rooms, family portraits, a library, flowers, faithful servants. The attention is paid to the symbolic meaning of the estate’s name, its structure, presented in the form of concentric circles: the inner circle of the house as a defense of the person – the garden surrounding the house – the garden fence as a boundary between the inside and the outside world. The second manor – Wuthering Heights – is a keen interest of the writer. The attention is paid to the old exterior and the gloomy interior of the house, external and internal (psychological) space. In E. Bronte’s novel it is observed the splitting of the home paradigm into two houses as spaces of God and the devil. On the one hand, the description of the Thrushcross Grange has its own text code – the Garden of Eden with apple trees, a symbol of beauty and prosperity. On the other – Wuthering Heights is presented as a space of Evil, which was formed with the advent of the foundling Heathcliff. In the context of E. Bronte’s novel, the myth of the lost paradise is formed, acquiring ambivalent meaning: the loss of paradise on the Thrushcross Grange as the idyllic “noble nest” and the loss of another ideal world – free childhood of Catherine and Heathcliff, in retaliation for which they awaken evil. However, according to the romantic dialectic, evil eliminates itself with both characters death, restoring harmony in the house and the cosmic balance
Authors and Affiliations
Т. И. Тверитинова
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