Співвідношення семантичної і формально-граматичної структури речення з предикатами якості
Journal Title: Вісник Університету імені Альфреда Нобеля. Серія "Філологічні науки" - Year 2018, Vol 2, Issue 16
The article deals with the correlation of the semantic and formal-grammatical structure of the sentence with the quality predicates. It has been noted that the description of the semantic and formalgrammatical structure of the sentence has been used at a different number of levels. Therefore, a two-tense sentence is treated as a unit with a multi-tiered organization: actually-semantic, semanticsyntactic, and formal-grammatical. However, the basic is the actual semantic tier, since it begins with forming the semantic structure of the sentence. In the basis of the semantic-syntactic structure of the elementary two-component sentence lies the semantically elementary sentence formed by the semantic valency of the predicate of quality. The semantic-syntactic tier occupies an intermediate, central place between the actual semantic and the formal-grammatical tiers. Achievements of modern semantic syntax make it possible to get deeper into the nature of two-tense sentences with predicates of quality. Semantically elementary sentence, formed by a one-valued predicate of quality, implements an elementary simple sentence, whose formal-grammatical structure is formed only by the main parts of the sentence. Sentences with divalent predicates of quality in contrast to sentences with monovalent predicates of quality are characterized by asymmetry of the correlation of their semantic and formalgrammatical structure. The symmetrical correlation between these tiers is inherent in a relatively small part of such sentences. The asymmetry of the correlations of the semantic and formal-grammatical structure of sentences with the divalent predicates of quality manifests itself not in the quantitative composition of the components of these tiers, but in the absence of an unambiguous connection between the semantic functions of one or another component of the actual semantic structure, the semantic-syntactic functions of syntaxes correlated with them, and formally-syntactic functions of these components. The nature of these differences depends on various factors, but the main ones are the semantics of predicative adjectives and the type of verb conjugation of an original compound sentence. At the level of the predicate component there are two types of discrepancies. The first occurs in sentences with verbal non-proper bonds associated with the object and two-valued predicate adjectives of any degree of quality, which are used with dependent nouns to denote the object of comparison. The second type of discrepancy is represented by sentences with divalent predicates of quality, expressed by adjectives of the highest and the highest stages of comparison, which are combined in the composition of a nominal condensed predicate with the verbal conjunction.
Authors and Affiliations
В. А. Тимкова
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