Особливості термінологічної номінації


It is no longer a surprise that globalization has rapidly come into the modern integrated life and strongly holds its positions on a planetary scale, adjusting not only economic, political or cultural phenomena of various countries and nations, but also influencing the unification of nations’ mental code. This is already a social phenomenon that synthesizes interdisciplinary research with its multidimensionality, subjecting them to universal laws of neo-communications. Although V. Vernadsky’s doctrine about the interaction of nature and society, within which reasonable human activity becomes a determining factor of development, is often criticized in some works of domestic and foreign science philosophers, the concept of life cosmism formulated by him is directly related to mind and work which are the special constants of nature and culture existence in their broadest interpretation. The concern about the universality of ideological and scientific worldview has been repeatedly brought up in linguistics (linguistic, conceptual, scientific, metaphorical) that indicates the multidimensionality of language. Despite the existence of various research schools, the current state of studying the modeling of the worldview and the attempts to describe it demonstrate the openness and, accordingly, the controversy of the issue. In the context of world science linguistic problems of term formation evolved each time according to the coding of modern information space and its conceptual presentation in specific languages. By enriching lexical-semantic possibilities of new languages, Greek and Latin became a source of replenishment of modern terminology. Terms research and defining the role of term elements of classic origin in the formation of modern terminology indicates that the process of borrowing from classical languages still continues. The asymmetrical dualism of linguistic sign has led to the isolation of semantic processes in terminology, which, in their turn, influenced the issue of unification of terms and nomenclature formation due to the openness and the dynamism of terminological systems. Since the actual term formation reflects the complicated conditions of terms functioning, the symmetry of both sides of the linguistic sign (material and actual) is only desirable. The current onomasiological analysis angle aims at studying the nominative structure of naming in its projection on designated in intelligence that internalizes the realities and forms the inner reflective experience.

Authors and Affiliations

І. І. Вакулик


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  • EP ID EP507275
  • DOI 10.32342/2523-4463-2016-0-12-196-200
  • Views 105
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How To Cite

І. І. Вакулик (2016). Особливості термінологічної номінації. Вісник Університету імені Альфреда Нобеля. Серія "Філологічні науки", 2(12), 196-200. https://europub.co.uk./articles/-A-507275