Средства выражения комического в баснях Готхольда Эфраима Лессинга


The great playwright G.E. Lessing is not almost known as a fabulist. His fables heritage reffers to the early works that have not been subject of detailed studies of home and foreign literary critics. Therefore, the theme of our research is highly relevant and interesting for scholars. The usage of the comic as a category implies that the genre of fables initially determines all its types such as humor, satire, irony, sarcasm, grotesque, which are observed both in Lessing’s fable poetry and prose. In order to identify the types of the comic (grotesque, irony, satire, sarcasm, humor), we have analyzed the works of such scientists as M. Bakhtin, V. Mann, G. Lomidze, V. Shestanova, A. Shcherbina who contributed much to creating unvaluable materials reflecting the comic genre of Lessing’s fables. Summarizing the researches of the scientists we may conclude that for the comic it is characteristic a contradiction between essence and appearance, often the comic covers the serious and the dramatic. The comic character is usually funny but it is not created as such. The comic involves the concentration on one character trait, simplification of the psychological motivations for his actions. After a detailed analysis of the fables, the authors concluded that the main means of expression of the comic used by Lessing are satire, by which the poet exposes the absurdity of reality; sarcasm that contains author’s mockery; grotesque, which is based on antonymous comparison of low and high that causes laugh; irony, where the most important role play stylistic contexts when the word acquires a different meaning. The same purpose is also followed by phraseologisms and intonation. The fables are saturated with good humor, which is combined with the seriousness of the problem raised; hyperbola, showing divergent relationship with the reality; litotes, reinforcing the reader’s attention to the action at the expense of denying it; allusion, which connects the allegorical fable world and the real world with the help of just a hint.

Authors and Affiliations

Е. Е. Берестень, А. А. Плющай


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  • EP ID EP501215
  • DOI 10.32342/2523-4463-2016-0-12-118-122
  • Views 116
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How To Cite

Е. Е. Берестень, А. А. Плющай (2016). Средства выражения комического в баснях Готхольда Эфраима Лессинга. Вісник Університету імені Альфреда Нобеля. Серія "Філологічні науки", 2(12), 118-122. https://europub.co.uk./articles/-A-501215