Особенности героя рассказа Джека Лондона «Кусок мяса»: характер, психология спортсмена


Study of athlete’s nature at first glance is the problem of psychology and sports sciences. But on the other hand the particularities of the hero-athlete of the story by Jack London «A piece of steak» is certainly a literary problem. Sport theme in the works of the American writer results from the search for a strong character, opposing life circumstances and hardships. Poetics of the title of the story immediately intrigues the reader. But the true meaning of the title is revealed by the text of the work. A piece of steak in the story acquires a sign-oriented meaning. Its absence becomes a major factor negatively affecting the fate of a talented athlete. The representation of the hero is given with the introduction of his name - Tom King, where semantics of the surname – King defines him as a strong personality. However, the situation of eating scanty food gives rise to the contrast between the name of the hero and his social position, which emphasizes carrying attitude to the meager food. The author points out the difference between the threatening appearance of the hero and his inner essence. Jack London separates a professional appearance of Tom and his human individuality, external and internal. Developing the theme of impact of boxer’s profession primarily on the formation of the external appearance of the hero, the writer emphasizes the discrepancy between the actual professional behavior and human individuality. Description of the bout culminating in the defeat of the hero, who was not strong enough due to the lack of nutritious food lies at the center of the story. The ending of the story depicts the experiences of the hungry, defeated boxer, who cries thinking back about his family, doomed to poverty and understands the cause of tears of his rival, whom he defeated many years ago.

Authors and Affiliations

Т. В. Филат


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  • EP ID EP434158
  • DOI 10.32342/2523-4463-2017-0-13-161-166
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How To Cite

Т. В. Филат (2017). Особенности героя рассказа Джека Лондона «Кусок мяса»: характер, психология спортсмена. Вісник Університету імені Альфреда Нобеля. Серія "Філологічні науки", 1(13), 161-166. https://europub.co.uk./articles/-A-434158