Книга Псалмов как один из важнейших архетекстов поэзии Андреаса Грифиуса


One of the most important and not fully studied problems of contemporary literary criticism and culturology is interaction of the Bible and literature, the Bible as an “axial” archetext of Judeo-Christian discourse and, furthermore, of European and World literature. A fruitful dialogue with the Bible as an outstanding artistic text resulted in many works of religious and secular character. It became especially obvious in the 17th century, at the beginning of Modern history, when Martin Luther translated the Bible and thus founded a tradition of the Psalms’ interpretation, which initiated a freer treatment of the Bible text in German and other modern European languages. Such lyrical books of the Bible as The Book of Psalms, The Book of Lamentations, The Song of Songs, The Book of Ecclesiastes served as archetexts and played a great role in the formation of German poetry. The complete translations of The Book of Lamentations and The Song of Songs into German were made by Martin Opitz, the founder of Modern German poetry. Motifs of all the lyrical books of the Bible can be traced in the poetry of Opitz and his pupils (e.g. Paul Fleming) and especially the oeuvre of the greatest poet of German Baroque Andreas Gryphius (1616–1664). (Biblical poetics is very similar to the Baroque one.) Despite the fact that The Book of Ecclesiastes was primarily important for Andreas Gryphius (his contemporaries even called him “German Seneca” for his being keen on stoicism; he could also be called “German Ecclesiastes”), The Book of Psalms was one of the crucial archetexts in his poetry. As a deeply religious man and a Lutheran Gryphius was constantly turning to the Bible and leading a dialogue with The Book of Psalms. This can be regarded as a paragon of I and Thou relationship according to Martin Buber and an example of the dialogue of texts mentioned by Mikhail Bakhtin. The Book of Psalms is the most important source of intertextual connections in the poetry of Gryphius which is apparent in paratextuality (especially in the titles), intertextuality (texts of different psalms can be present as quotations, allusions, reminiscences) and architextuality: many of his poems (both sonnets and odes) are his own prayers or hymns to God the Father, God the Son (Jesus Christ) and God the Holy Spirit, religious and philosophical meditations on the “God, man, world” theme. At the same time the archetextuality of the Psalms is enhanced and complicated by many references to the Gospels and The Book of Ecclesiastes. The Biblical archetextuality serves as the most important source of Gryphius’s poetical experiment in the sonnet genre, which is first and foremost manifest in the rhythm, melody and poetic syntax. The German poet created a peculiar genre of the “biblical sonnet” (a sonnet-sermon on biblical issues), its brilliant examples can be found in his Sunday and Holiday Sonnets. Gryphius turned to the genre of psalm paraphrase and created his own psalms close to the genre of Pindaric ode which is complex in both its religious and philosophical content and rhythmic and syntactic structure. It is precisely Pindaric ode that showed poetic innovations of Gryphius most of all. It preceded the oeuvre of the 17th century German poets in the genre of religious and philosophical hymn with free rhythm (F. G. Klopstock, J. W. Goethe, J. G. Herder, F. Hölderlin). Not only the odes of Pindar but first of all The Book of Psalms became the key archetext for Gryphius’s Pindaric ode. Turning to its topoi the author comprehends his own experience and human experience of the tragic time in general and proclaims his religious and mystical ideas

Authors and Affiliations

Г. В. Синило


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  • EP ID EP433870
  • DOI 10.32342/2523-4463-2018-0-15-182-207
  • Views 106
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How To Cite

Г. В. Синило (2018). Книга Псалмов как один из важнейших архетекстов поэзии Андреаса Грифиуса. Вісник Університету імені Альфреда Нобеля. Серія "Філологічні науки", 1(15), 182-207. https://europub.co.uk./articles/-A-433870