Памятливость совести в мотиве русский человек на rendez-vous на материале новеллы И. Бунина «Галя Ганская»
Journal Title: Вісник Університету імені Альфреда Нобеля. Серія "Філологічні науки" - Year 2018, Vol 2, Issue 16
The motive of “a-Russian-at-a-rendez-vous” and his type of hero is entrenched in the creative memory of Russian literature and culture as an initially complicated socially and literary phenomenon by its very nature. Transformations of this motive in the national literature and cultural process often lead to paradoxical results and require new research methods. This determines the relevance and productivity of the extrapolation and adaptation of the philosophical and ethical idea of V. Bibler about the memory of conscience to study the motive “a-Russian-at-a-rendez-vous”. Analysis of I. Bunin’s novel “Galya Ganskaya” from the standpoint of distinguishing spheres of ethic and morality led to the conclusion: the Bunin heroes continue Turgenev traditions. The novella of I. Bunin’s is texts close Turgenev. For their heroes is significantly what the love haven’t tomorrow day and the any indecision, doubt, caprice, tribute to moral norms, everyday stereotypes, moral and ethical awkwardness, cowardice, selfishness is sign catastrophe had been admitted to the life and forerunners of moral catharsis. Aesthetic-sensual, moral principles form the space and boundaries of truth, the basis for approaching the heroes to their true self, their relationship with the heroines, and the filling of memories. It can be concluded that the “a-Russian-at-a-rendez-vous” is a literary and social specimen of a person who is always doomed to experience in his memories both moral sufferings and, most importantly, moral peripetias, approaching the essence of the seemingly weird and reckless act committed by them. But the strangeness of the committed act is discover collision ethic and morally. This collision is manifested and carried out through the life of the hero. This hero is a person thinking, feeling, suffering, seeking inner balance. But he was not finding him. The memory of conscience is peculiar, painful way of the hero to this balance, comprehension and reconciliation of the committed act and its consequences. In the motive initially and constantly formed, developed the poetics of the act (V. Bibler) of individuality. This individuality gradually and inevitably discovered through his practical life the abyss between ethic prescriptions and the morality of free personal choice. The collision of ethic and morality perceived by the heroes is discovered through their deed and manifested in the memories of him. This collision at the same time provides protection against personal degradation, destruction, and sentences to the tragedy of responsibility. Hero of the motive is the hero of the only and truly and unique action. Hero constantly and inevitably will be feel, recognize, recollect, rethink nature and sense this unique action. The memory of conscience gives the heroes of the motive the last opportunity for extremely honest recognition, as a choice, of the true meaning of the only genuine and unique act of their life.
Authors and Affiliations
Э. Г. Шестакова
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