Образи українських заробітчан в сучасній чеській прозі


Reconstruction of the image of Ukrainian labor migrants in a Czech literature has it’s own historical continuity. Several works of such writers as Karel Capek (novel “Hordubаl”, 1933) and Vladislav Vancura (novel “a Series of soud”, 1929) in modern times – Michal Viweg (novel “Účastníci zájezdu”, 1996) and Petra Hulova (novel “Čechy, země zaslíbená”, 2012) are dedicated to this topic. The purpose of this article is to compare the image of the Ukrainian labor migrants of two periods: the 90s of XX century (Viweg) and the first decades of the XXI century (P. Hulova). The research of mentioned novels in a context of the labor migrants problem allows to consider a new angle of Ukrainian’s literary image in a paradigm Own/Foreign as well as analyzing of preconditions for its occurrences, values and worldviews which he postulates and transfer. Stigmatized and stereotyped image of Ukrainian labor migrant Oleg was found and illustrated in a novel of M. Viweg. Therefore, we can talk about the phenomenon of stereotypes transgression in a sociocultural sequence: public opinion – a literary work – public opinion. Meanwhile in a novel of Petra Hulova , the images of Ukrainian workers (Olga, Oleg, and their daughter Marina) has got a personalized character. Hulova tries to transform into the Other, enriches workers image with features, which are new for the Czech-reader of XXI century. Themes and Bible reminiscence in the title of the novel intertextually connects it with the works of K. Capek and V. Vancura, publicity and a willingness to defend the position of the Other – with the work of Ivan Olbracht, the autostereotypes game with Jaroslav Hasek novel. All that accent the loyalty of the writer of universal values and ideas of humanism, which are characteristic for the best examples of Czech ucrainica from interwar period.

Authors and Affiliations

О. А. Погребняк


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  • EP ID EP507270
  • DOI 10.32342/2523-4463-2016-0-12-169-176
  • Views 102
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How To Cite

О. А. Погребняк (2016). Образи українських заробітчан в сучасній чеській прозі. Вісник Університету імені Альфреда Нобеля. Серія "Філологічні науки", 2(12), 169-176. https://europub.co.uk./articles/-A-507270