Причинно-наслідковий зв'язок структурно-семантичних особливостей оказіоналізмів у мові періодичних видань кінця ХХ століття
Journal Title: Вісник Університету імені Альфреда Нобеля. Серія "Філологічні науки" - Year 2017, Vol 1, Issue 13
Occasional language periodicals in the late twentieth century cover almost all parts of speech. Studies show that the largest group is comprised by nouns. The advantage of nouns among other neoplasm can be explained by primarily linguistic needs of the nomination of new objects, realities and their properties. The majority of occasional nouns are formed with the help of suffixation. A special place in the occasional word-building belongs to compounding. It can be explained by the fact that compound words are the most economical means of rendering the information. Here, compound nouns are formed mainly on the basis of free collocations. Prefixation is not so popular way of occasional word-building, but the most used one is negative prefix because the late 20th century is considered to be the time of changing moral and ideological values. As to the adjectives, the most productive type is the relative adjective meaning «the one belonging to the person called to be a motivating basis». The occasional words of journalists are characterized by the verbs formed by means of affixation (prefixsuffix-post suffix). Occasional verbs are always expressive and unique. They provide not only a bright image, but also they are highly informative. Adverbial occasional words comprise a small group. Adverbs are mainly formed by affixation. The late 20th century witnessed the active usage of Ukrainian word-building potential to form the lexical units in the periodicals in order to depict the world as accurately as possible, to express the attitude towards certain people, phenomena, facts and events
Authors and Affiliations
О. М. Турчак
Julien le Pieux
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