Становлення понятійного апарату синхронічної фонології (лінгвоісторіографічний аналіз)


The development of notion apparatus of synchronic phonology is analyzed in the article. The foundation of the phoneme conception as well as the evolution of the term “phoneme” is investigated. The linguistic historiographical analysis of the phoneticians works pertaining to Prague Linguistic School, Moscow and St. Petersburg Phonological Schools, which devoted to the problem of language phonological system, is given. The special attention was paid to the fundamental idea of linguists of the 20th century about the importance of the phoneme’s functional load in language system. The rise of such principal terms as hyperphoneme, archiphoneme, phoneme’s row, phoneme’s combinations, allophone, differentiation, integration, structure, position, opposition, correlation, phoneme’s system, variation, neutralization is grounded in the research. The author underlines that there are still some gaps in the research of historical (diachronical) phonology theoretical base origin, that can be a result of deficient attention to synchronistical researches. This determines the topicality of the article. A great attention to studying synchronic phonology acquisitions paid P. Vaarask, V. Zhuravlev, S. Protohenov et al. The aim of the article is to carry out a linguistic historiographical analysis of scientific heritage of the native and foreign scientists, who devoted their works to studying synchronic aspect of phonology. The investigation of the problem of the system functioning was associated with correlations deployments in the development history of the phonological system, that causes the occurrence of empty cells and selection of the center and periphery. The idea of the center and periphery was detailed by the Prague linguistics. The special attention was paid to establishment of methodological differences in the study of language phonological facts postulated by representatives of Prague, Moscow and St. Petersburg Schools. The usage of the morphological principle for studying synchronistical phonology is characteristic of scientists of the Moscow Phonological School; however, psychological and physiological acoustic aspects dominate in the researches of scientists of St. Petersburg, functional ones – the Prague linguists. Formation of principal phonological concepts was common to diachronical and synchronic phonology, and occurred within synchronic approach that is why the consideration of synchronic aspect is very important for studying genesis of the theoretical framework of historical phonology. The research of the phonological concepts of Prague linguistic school, Moscow and St. Petersburg phonological schools as well as the works of individual scientists (N. van Wijk, A. Martinet, V. Zhuravlev et al.) gave us a clear picture of genesis of the common phonological theoretical and methodological framework. The main merit of these researchers is to develop and improve common phonological concepts that became the foundation of phonology

Authors and Affiliations

А. С. Орел, Н. В. Холодова


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  • EP ID EP499416
  • DOI 10.32342/2523-4463-2016-0-11-219-223
  • Views 119
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How To Cite

А. С. Орел, Н. В. Холодова (2016). Становлення понятійного апарату синхронічної фонології (лінгвоісторіографічний аналіз). Вісник Університету імені Альфреда Нобеля. Серія "Філологічні науки", 1(11), 219-223. https://europub.co.uk./articles/-A-499416