Формування турецької авторської драматургії: європейський і східнослов’янський чинники.
Journal Title: Вісник Університету імені Альфреда Нобеля. Серія "Філологічні науки" - Year 2018, Vol 2, Issue 16
Modern Turkish drama has an important place in the global literary space. It is on par with the world’s masterpieces goes beyond the theater, an active influence on the film industry, radio and television, is under the influence of the postmodern paradigm. Preserving and developing the artistic experience of the previous periods, the modern Turkish drama is in the process of renovation and development. Relevance of the research is due to the need of studying the genesis of modern Turkish drama for lack of scientific studies that have found the dominant trends and summarized its inception and foreign cultural and literary influences. A. Krymsky and V. Dubrovsky initiated the urgency of the need of welldefined conceptually compelling scientific studies, which are theoretical and factual material. Until recently Turkish author’s drama was not the subject of a monographic study in Ukrainian Oriental Studies, a similar situation in the near abroad, except one monograph of Russian scientist E. Oganova and exploration of the history of folk drama (I. Borolina, G. Horbatkina, V. Hordlevskyy). This indicates the presence of gaps in the study of drama in Ukrainian oriental scientific context and encourages work on the selected issue. Studying Turkish drama of the emergence of dramatic action until the formation of Turkish author’s drama shows that the main causes of the transformation of traditional Turkish theater in the author’s drama are such factors as reforms of Selim III, Mahmud II and active Europeanization of Turkish literature. Prior to this, a huge impact on Turkish literature was the literature of the East. Attention is focused on Turkish writers of new literary genres – the novel, the author’s drama. Focusing on Western literature, they are eager to create a novel that would be available to a wider audience and meet the needs of intellectuals’ readers. The first author on the Turkish stage dramas were translations of the works of famous European playwrights. The study identified the main lines of the influence of European and Slavic literatures, and drama in particular, the formation of the Turkish drama: A) French - Moliere Creativity (“Ayyar Hamza“, “Tonus Aga“, “Gavaut“, “Woman asleep“ by Ali Haydar Bey, ”Ashbury“, ”Ilhan”, “Sensitive girl“ by Abdulhak Hamid, “Marriage under duress“, ”Don Givani“, ”Pretend to be sick / strange thing” by Vefik Ahmet Pasha); - Creativity of E. Ionesco, Jean Genette - impetus to the development of the Turkish drama of the absurd. В) German - Epic theater of Brecht - the basis for the development of epic theater in Turkey (H. Taner “Man Day”, “Night at the Simla” S. Oguzbeyoglu). С) English - Creation of Shakespeare – the development of Turkish poetic drama, Shakespeare experiences of art presentations on the topics of human fracture history – B. Erenus “Joy of pain.” D) Slavic - Creativity of M. Gogol, A. Chekhov, F. Dostoevsky, M. Gorky, L. Tolstoy – appearance in the Turkish literature mono drama of the European model. It is necessary to summarize, that in forming of Turkish author drama a considerable role was played by stage-by-stage influence of Europe to the Turkish culture. In the second half of 18th century, the perceptible is become by influence of traditions of French playwriting. The first half of 20th century in history of Turkish dramaturgy is characterized by the active search of own identity, by the reception of European standards of artistic literature. The second half of 20th century presents the great mix of subjects of western literary works, elements of absurdity dramaturgy and epic dramaturgy with the elements of the Turkish traditional national theater. Modern Turkish drama is a logical continuation of the achievements of the previous stages of development, literary and theater phenotype, a remarkable locus of world literature
Authors and Affiliations
І. В. Прушковська
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