The paper discusses Karol Potkański’s study of Russia called Constantine and Methodius (1905) with reference to Tadeusz Nalepiński’s work The Spirit King of Russian. He’s coming!,Władysław Jabłonowski’s Around the Sphinx...
Slavonic motives in lyric poetry of the late Russian romanticism - Tyutchev, A.K. Tolstoy, Polonsky, Fet, Maikov - are in the predominant importance of philosophical and historical as well as political views of Tyutchev....
The aim of the article is to present The Warsaw Diary by Zinaida Gippius, published in 1969 and translated into Polish by Henryk Chłystowski (2010). Based on the analysis of Russian and Polish versions of the book, it ca...
The article is concerned with Shukshin’s occasionalisms and their Polish equivalents extracted from translations done by I. Bajkowska, Z. Gadzinianka, T.G. Lipszyc, E. Niepokólczycka, I. Piotrowska, B. Reszko, and A. Tys...
Wierzenia i idee sekciarskie w rosjoznawstwie polskim pierwszych dekad wieku XX
The paper discusses Karol Potkański’s study of Russia called Constantine and Methodius (1905) with reference to Tadeusz Nalepiński’s work The Spirit King of Russian. He’s coming!,Władysław Jabłonowski’s Around the Sphinx...
Славянские мотивы в лирике тютчевской плеяды
Slavonic motives in lyric poetry of the late Russian romanticism - Tyutchev, A.K. Tolstoy, Polonsky, Fet, Maikov - are in the predominant importance of philosophical and historical as well as political views of Tyutchev....
Tłumacz wobec przekazu wspomnieniowego (na materiale Dziennika warszawskiego Zinaidy Gippius w tłumaczeniu Henryka Chłystowskiego)
The aim of the article is to present The Warsaw Diary by Zinaida Gippius, published in 1969 and translated into Polish by Henryk Chłystowski (2010). Based on the analysis of Russian and Polish versions of the book, it ca...
Okazjonalizmy Wasilija Szukszyna w przekładzie na język polski
The article is concerned with Shukshin’s occasionalisms and their Polish equivalents extracted from translations done by I. Bajkowska, Z. Gadzinianka, T.G. Lipszyc, E. Niepokólczycka, I. Piotrowska, B. Reszko, and A. Tys...
К 200-летию Пушкина : "Александр Пушкин и славянство"