Электронные массивы информации и концептологический анализ / Large arrays of information and the conceptological analysis
Journal Title: Kognitsia, kommunikatsia, diskurs - Year 2016, Vol 13, Issue
The paper concerns the means for using the keyword and mask search in large arrays of information. The latter include the electronic versions of conventional dictionaries, online dictionaries and media archives. The search in electronic dictionaries makes it possible to set the etymology of direct nomination of the concept, its significate (core), paradigmatic relations and the corresponding word family. The search in online dictionaries is of interest primarily in terms of syntagmatic relations of the concept, in particular the so-called «cooccurrences». The media archives search mainly contributes to identifying the concept referential, i.e. the set of referents represented by this concept. The purpose of the study is to illustrate possible ways of keyword and mask search in large arrays of information on the example of the German concept GRENZE (BORDER, BORDERLINE, FRONTIER). The study shows that the use of this method considerably simplifies and speeds up the search and processing of language material and its conceptological analysis.
Authors and Affiliations
Pavel Donets
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