English Last Wills and Testaments: towards the systemic description of the genre vocabulary
Journal Title: Science and Education a New Dimension - Year 2017, Vol 0, Issue 122
This article is aimed at the systemic description of the body of words used in English Last Wills and Testaments. The corpus of research contains 100 English Last Wills and Testaments written between 1837 and 2000. The suggested approach to the description is based on the notion of semantic field. Having accepted the traditional definition of semantic field as a group of words possessing the same conceptual meaning, characterized by certain relations between lexemes and belonging to the same part of speech, the author singles out seven semantic fields which occur in English Last Wills and Testaments: 1) process/circumstances of testament; 2) testator and heir; 3) object of testament; 4) death and funeral; 5) execution/witnessing of testament; 6) date of making a testament; 7) geographical names. It is substantiated that the relations between the lexemes in each field are mainly based on synon- ymy and hyponymy. Some subfields are defined by relations of antonyms, or arranged in a cycle.
Authors and Affiliations
O. V. Kulyna
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