Ethical and aesthetic explication doctrine on the two Aphrodite in the speech Pausanias [Symp. 180с – 185с]
Journal Title: Мultiversum. Philosophical almanac - Year 2016, Vol 0, Issue 3
The article is a holistic and comprehensive analysis of the cultural and historical factors for the emergence of the doctrine on the two Aphrodite in the speech Pausanias. Conception of Pausanius on the two Afrodite has two source foundation – mythological, historical and cultural. Positive view on same-sex relationships, expressed particular Pausanias connected, in our opinion, not only with their own vision of Plato, as in order to understand the ancient culture of love in the classic period of its existence. For a more detailed study highlighted two main aspects of this concept, namely – the ethical and the aesthetics. The ethical dimension is that of virtue theme is introduced in relation to the love through this established dichotomy between «good» and «bad» types of love. The aesthetic context of Pausanias teachings contained in the fact that people can follow the path of love as from the beautiful to the ugly, and from the ugly to the beautiful.
Authors and Affiliations
Vitaliy Turenko
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